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630.654.2600Free Consultation



Work Guarantee

For a period of 3 years from the date of completion, Michaelson & Messinger Insurance Specialists, LLC will repair or replace any work which we performed at no charge to the property owner.

Odor Control Guarantee

Our Special Deodorizing process guarantees the best results in smoke and odor removal. We guarantee that there will be no smoke odor upon completion of the repairs.

Service is the Secret of our Success

The adjustment and repair process after you have suffered a fire loss to your home or property is a difficult time. You are being asked to make judgments and agreements with the insurance company without the proper training. When you hire Michaelson & Messinger Insurance Specialists, LLC after a disaster, you can get back to the most important facets of your life, your family, and profession. Hiring Michaelson & Messinger Insurance Specialists, LLC, a licensed professional, to handle the adjustment of your loss and repair your property which will give you peace of mind in the difficult days ahead.
Your best choice is Michaelson & Messinger Insurance Specialists, LLC.

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